
Achtung Ya'll!

I heard on the radio yesterday that gas prices will once again go up. A lot. I seem to have misplaced my *surprise* face.

Don't have much time to post more...have homework and then class.

Documentary Recommendation:

Just watched a BBC Documentary called Global Dimming. It's a phenomenon that has to do with decreasing amounts of sunlight and the role it plays with Global Warming. Interesting stuff. I recommend you check it out ASAP.

Music Recommendation:
The Whitest Boy Alive - Dreams


Day One At Sea, Not An Albatross In Sight

I began my day as usual...routine-less. Went to get some cof-fay and tried something new- a 12 oz., double shot, soy latte, with sugar-free hazelnut. Wow! Sometimes I just do it right.

Grabbed a daily paper, The Times-Picayune, and immediately pulled out the Entertainment, Living/Arts, Games/Comics sections. I work on the crossword puzzle until I can't come up with anymore answers and get stuck. 3 Down-4 letters-Type of IRA. I have no idea. I move on to the word finder, but it's not there. It must be a Sunday only feature. I skip the Suduko puzzle for two reasons: (1.) I don't find it aesthetically pleasing and (2.) I'm terrible at math (even though working the puzzle would probably help me to improve). I steal a glance at my horiscope, another ambiguous dispatch. I then wonder why I paid for a newspaper when I could read my news online. I'm paying for a hardcopy, something I can scribble on and discard. My ancestors were all pack rats. Guess I didn't inherit that gene. I leave my used paper at an empty table, a surprise for the next occupant. Hope they don't mind the used crossword puzzle.

I make a trip to Walgreen's and clean them out of Drain-O...seven bottles total. I recently clogged both my bathtub and sink drains after my attempted "spa night" (covering my body in a clay mask). I used all 7 bottles and now my drains make that resonating sound of water on the move. My cat Abner comes in to inspect my success. He's got the sort of personality that makes me think he would wear a Speedo and a Monocle. Poetry.

Watched a documentary on students with autism (asperger's): "Only Human-Make Me Normal." Make a mental note to watch more documentaries.

The day has gone down without incident.